IMPORTANT – Please make sure that you download all photos that you need. We keep the photos in your library for 30 days. (More on that later)

When your gallery is created, you will get an email with a link to your gallery.

Click on that link and you will be taken directly to your gallery

This is what you will see:

  1. Your gallery of photos
  2. In the lower left corner, you will see selected (with a check mark) and unselected (with X)
  3. In the middle at the bottom, is a summary of photos chosen/number allowed to be chosen)
  4. In the lower right corner, you will see “SEND SELCTION”

To choose a photo, click on the empty box in the lower right hand corner of the thumbnail and a check mark will appear. The number of pictures that you have chosen is shown on the bottom of the page.

If you wish to remove a picture from your selection, click the box in which you have already placed the check mark.

If you wish to see the larger version of the photo, click on the thumbnail.  To see the next or previous photo in the larger version, use the arrows on the lower right corner. If you want to save that photo, click on the check mark.  To return to the thumbnails, click on the X on the lower left.

After completing the choosing of your photos, click on “SEND SELECTION at the bottom right of the thumbnail page.  This locks the selection process.

You and the graphic artist will receive a notification that the selection has been made and processing by the graphic artist will begin. 

The graphic artist will process the photos and put the processed photos in a new gallery.  You will receive an email to that gallery and you can download the photos by clicking on “DOWNLOAD ZIP”.  You can save the photos in a folder on your computer for your mls listing.  The 2 galleries (original gallery and processed photos gallery) will be deleted automatically after 30 days.  You should receive an email on the 29th date with a warning that the gallery is about to be deleted. 

If you wish to download all the photos from the gallery (all will be unprocessed) click on “DOWNLOAD ZIP” and save to your computer.  If you have already clicked on “SEND SELECTION” and you want all the unprocessed photos click on the link of the first email you received and then download.  Some agents may want to use these photos at a later date and our photographers don’t keep the photos for a long period of time. 

Additional Notes: 

Sometimes a client wants more than the allotted number of photos.  If you know before you click on “SEND SELECTION”, let the graphic artist know the total number of photos you want.  They will change the number allowed for you.  This will slow down the processing time as the graphic artist has to change the gallery.  You will receive a new email to the gallery and those already chosen will be checked, but the number allowed at the bottom will be the new total. There is an additional charge for processing each photo over your allotted number. 

If you are co-listing with another agent, let the photographer know and they will send an email to both agents.  Before the SEND SELECTION option is made, each agent can view and change the selections.  Once the SEND SELECTION is made, changes cannot be made. 

Once the ”SEND SELECTION” button has been clicked and you want to add more photos or you want to change your choices, you will have to contact the graphic artist who will re-open the gallery. This is additional work for our graphic artists so try to avoid this if possible.  We know this happens on occasion.